Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cake cake cake!

     Last night I saw a commercial about Dairy Queen's ice cream cake, and those were always my favorite. I use to get them for my birthday but this year I never got one because I was afraid. I was afraid of how unhealthy it was.. I never even got a cake for my birthday because of that fear of how bad it is for me. I wanted one so bad though, but just couldn't fight that voice in my head that kept saying no. I regret not getting one because they are my absolute favorite! I wouldn't need to get a big one, they have mini ones (they're called cupcakes) that I could have gotten which is just one serving. But I guess I didn't think of that.. This summer though, I will and plan to overcome that fear and challenge myself and get ice cream at Dairy Queen. I will not go for the healthy options, I will either get the cupcake or one of their blizzards. I can and will do this!

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