Friday, June 8, 2012

Big progression!

     I'm officially graduated from high school! June 3rd 2012 was the day I walked across the stage, I felt like I was going to cry when we switched our tassels to the right side of our cap, but I held myself together. This is a big step into my life, and I know I can do it.
     Anyway, I just wanted to mention that! But the big thing here is what is going on with my progress in recovery. Yesterday (June 7th) I had another catch up meeting with my dietitian. I talked to her about what I ate for my graduation party, and graduation day. On my graduation party I had around six pieces of our cake, and then two s'mores, and a lot, I mean A LOT, of fruit! But the main thing that got to me was the cake. But then I remember I told myself that I can't let that voice in my head to get a hold of me, it kept telling me, "Stay away from that cake, you'll get fat because of the butter and unhealthy fats." but I fought that voice, I said, "Screw you, this is my graduation party, I can eat what I want, not like I'll eat it everyday!" and so I ate it. I said it out loud at my meeting too, I said, "It's okay to treat myself, it's not going to mess up anything, I'll be perfectly fine." And I said the the same with the cookies 'n' cream ice cream (one scoop) in a waffle cone at my local ice cream pearl.
     My dietitian was proud of me, she told me that's a huge sign of progress, accepting the fact that I can treat myself and eat my favorite foods. Because I'm suppose to have those cheat days, I can't deprive myself. So lately I haven't been, if I want something, I'll eat it, but in a small portion. Slowly I'm also accepting my body, I got my weight checked and it came to be 106, I gained five to four pounds. It's slowly progressing, it's hard to determine if it's fat or muscle because the scale can't determine that. But I know that I'm getting healthy, for myself and my friends and family. I can do this!

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