Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I believe last week I weighed myself and it came out to be 104, it was scary to see that I gained weight, but at the same time it's a good thing. I've been around 99-101 for quite a while, and seeing that I gained about 3-4 pounds is amazing. Usually people would be happy to see that they lost weight, but to me gaining weight is a good thing. Soon I'll become stronger and healthier again, I'll be happy and not worry anymore. I just need to get over one thing, anxiety about weight gain and fat. I know that being a woman I should have some fat on my body, and that it should be nothing to stress about, but it's always been a fear for me. I'm naturally skinny, but I always thought I was fat because of my bone structure. I remember when my thighs use to touch, now I have a thigh gap and it's an amazing feeling to have one, but at the same time with my height and bone structure it's not a good thing to be proud of. I want strong legs that can carry me along, and to play soccer. It's taking time, it's going slow, but it's progress!

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