Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Old habits returning,

After reaching my goal weight of 115 pounds, I'm returning back to my old habits of eating. I'm only reaching 1200 calories the max, and exercising five days a week. It's hard for me just to stop counting calories, or stop exercising, because I've done it for so long, obsessed with body-image and calories and fat content for so long, it's just sticking to me. I want to stop, honestly, I want to enjoy eating and not feel horrible for what I have eaten. If it's one of my favorite foods, lets say lasagna or one of my moms homemade meals, or a favorite treat my aunt makes, I won't eat it at all even though it's a once in a while deal. Because I'm afraid of the calorie and fat content, and on how bad it is for me. It's just a natural fear I've had for years, a horrible habit and obsession that's hard to break...