Wednesday, May 30, 2012


My friend, well actually my "so called friends", always make me feel like I'm invisible. What I'm saying is that I feel like they don't even know I'm there, they never try to talk to me or create a conversation. They look and even talk to me like I make no sense or that I'm stupid. So I either just leave and walk around inside the school alone, or just sit there and be quiet. It would be easier if they would just tell me they don't want me there, instead of just ignoring me.. Sometimes, I feel like I'm always just by myself, like I'm my only friend...

No more high school

I'm finally done. With all the struggles and obstacles I had to go through, I fought through it all, I worked my ass off to get to this day. And I did it. All the hard work paid off and I knew it would sooner or later. I'm still surprise I actually did it, I thought I would have given up, but I kept my head high and stuck through it, just to get to graduation. I DID IT!
Now all I need to do is get through college... Just more obstacles to go through, and I know I can do it, I just got to keep my mind position, and head high.. I can do this, I can do this!